Wie is meneer Mohs?

Who is Mr. Mohs?

When buying a piece of jewelry, we often find the color and cut of a stone to be the most important. This of course determines the look and style of the jewel. Although the look is inspiring, the wear over time is also of great importance. What we advise to take into consideration is a factor that is sometimes overlooked; the hardness of a gemstone.

Ring set with a 3.03 ct diamond

In 1812, geologist and mineralogist Friedrich Mohs introduced a method to determine and compare the hardness of different minerals based on their ability to scratch and be scratched. The scale on which this is measured is called the Mohs scale and ranges from 1 to 10, with 10 being the hardest. Every mineral can be categorized somewhere on this range. As you may know, only a diamond is a perfect 10. This means that the only thing that can scratch a diamond is another diamond.

Anything just below a 10 is a 9. While this may seem like a linear jump, this first gap actually represents a division by 4. So for example, a ruby ​​is a 9 on the scale, but in fact a diamond is 4 times as hard as a ruby, despite only going one step down on the scale. This curve flattens out with each step down. For comparison, a ruby ​​(9) is twice as hard as a spinel (8), and so on.

Blue topaz in a yellow gold setting on a turquoise necklace

To make this a little more understandable, the hardness of a knife is around 5.5, and glass is around 5.5. Some gemstones that match this hardness are opal and turquoise. This means that these gemstones are quite fragile when it comes to scratches and require more delicate handling. Your fingernails are 2.5 in hardness, which is similar to pearl and amber. You need to be extra careful with these gemstones to ensure that they maintain their appearance over time.

Now you may be wondering what this means for wearing your beloved jewelry every day and what you can do to get the most out of the stone you have chosen. There are certain ways to protect a stone that is more fragile. For example, with opal, which we love to use, a bezel acts as a layer of protection against external threats. It secures the stone and ensures a more durable lifespan.

Australian Opal in a Gladom Setting

Another good thing to consider is what type of jewelry the gemstone will be in. Earrings and necklaces are less likely to be scratched than an engagement ring. A good rule of thumb is that anything with a 7 or higher is suitable for everyday wear and will remain durable. If you have gemstones that you would like advice on, we are happy to give you a heads up on the best way to go and where we can help!

(All images in this blog are clickable and linked to their corresponding available items)

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